AppLoyal Localize

Go Global with a few clicks

Expand your apps reach with AI-powered translations in over 80 languages. We specialize in localizing mobile apps, ensuring your app content, descriptions, and screenshots resonate with global audiences.

Multiply app downloads across different regions

Boost revenue through region-specific monetization strategies

Enhance user experience with native language interfaces.

Gain a competitive edge in non-English speaking markets.

Improve store conversion rates with a localized app page

Main image, describing app localization


ENGLISH, Original

Description for Image 1
Description for Image 1



Description for Image 1
Description for Image 1



Description for Image 1
Description for Image 1



Description for Image 1
Description for Image 1



Description for Image 1


Placeholder Image


Easily translate your Android app using our AI enhanced tool.
Read more about

Placeholder Image


Use your app strings file(s) with our accurate translator to automatically localize user-facing text. Read more about

Placeholder Image


Translate your app's store page, release notes and screenshots

Placeholder Image


Localize your designs with our Figma plugin, seamlessly translating app screenshots, ad creatives, logos, and more to connect with audiences worldwide.

Try Apployal Localize today


Experience world-class app localization at a fraction of the cost. Our AI-driven solutions offer high-quality, budget-friendly options for businesses of all sizes, ensuring your global reach expands effortlessly and affordably


35$ / mo

  • AI iOS App Localization

  • AI Android App Localization

  • AI Release Notes translation

  • 70+ Output Languages

  • GitHub Integration

  • App Store/Google Play Integration

  • 2 projects

  • 25000 Words/mo

The best plan for small companies or independent developers, also suitable for people who want to try our service


75$ / mo

  • AI iOS App Localization

  • AI Android App Localization

  • AI Screenshots localization Figma plugin

  • AI Release Notes translation

  • 70+ Output Languages

  • GitHub Integration

  • App Store/Google Play Integration

  • 5 projects

  • 80000 Words/mo

A more professional plan, includes the ability to translate screenshots/media through the Figma plugin


189$ / mo

  • AI iOS App Localization

  • AI Android App Localization

  • AI Screenshots localization Figma plugin

  • AI Release Notes translation

  • 70+ Output Languages

  • GitHub Integration

  • App Store/Google Play Integration

  • Priority Support

  • 10 projects

  • 200000 Words/mo

The plan is designed for localization of 10 standard-sized projects on 10 languages each, including store pages and screenshots. It encompasses all the main features.


Tailored to your needs

  • AI iOS App Localization

  • AI Android App Localization

  • AI Screenshots localization Figma plugin

  • AI Release Notes translation

  • MANUAL Post-Localization Review

  • 70+ Output Languages

  • GitHub Integration

  • App Store/Google Play Integration

  • Priority Support

  • ∞ Projects

  • ∞ Words/mo

Receive priority individual support, all possible features, and a personalized plan. Also, request new features for your needs, more integration options


Tailored to your needs

  • AI iOS App Localization

  • AI Android App Localization

  • AI Screenshots localization Figma plugin

  • AI Release Notes translation

  • MANUAL Post-Localization Review

  • 70+ Output Languages

  • GitHub Integration

  • App Store/Google Play Integration

  • Priority Support

  • ∞ Projects

  • ∞ Words/mo

The best plan for a quick start

Words Count = Words To Translate x Target Languages

If you're having trouble calculating the number of words in your Android XML or iOS Strings file, you can reach out to us, and we will help you choose a plan

If you are a business, we can add your tax number to the statement. To do this, contact us, and we will send you an invoice.

Learn more about Apployal Localize features

Apployal Localize is a service for automated app localization based on artificial intelligence. You don't need to hire localizers or native speakers, except possibly for manual checking of the results, as all translation will be performed by artificial intelligence.

Our software features a simple interface, enabling practically any employee to handle the localization of your projects.

We offer companies or individuals without a large team of localizers the ability to translate mobile applications into dozens of languages (see the list of supported languages here). We provide comprehensive automated translation of string files, images in Figma, app store's page, release notes, all integrated with GitHub, App Store, and Google Play.

App localization: How it works?


Choose mode

Choose the translation mode, full translation or partial. Full translation will localize from scratch, while partial will only translate new words.


Add source file

You can streamline content delivery by integrating GitHub or just upload files from your local project. Currently, we support android XML and iOS .strings files.


Select output languages

Choose the languages for translation; you can select them manually or use our templates, such as top 5, 20, 30, 50 languages.


Take a break

Wait a while as the AI performs the translation. The waiting time depends on the number of lines to be translated and the number of languages.


Sync back

Upload the translated content to your repository with one click. Or download localized files



Release a multilingual version of your app

Screenshot Translation

For increasing app page conversion and audience reach, it's crucial to translate not just the app itself but also its screenshots. Usually, such localization requires a lot of time and expenses, but Apployal Localize offers a cost-effective solution. You only need to make your design frames adaptive to support any text length and then run our plugin.


Add our Figma Plugin

Open the plugin, authenticate, and select the frames for translation. Also, choose the languages for translation.



Our plugin will automatically start duplicating your frames and translating all the text on them, doing so for each language and frame.


Update app store page

Depending on the platform of your project, you can configure and automatically upload these screenshots to your app's page in the store, or download them via Figma.

Store page translation

App page translation is a pivotal aspect of localization, especially for businesses aiming to organically expand their user base. By localizing your app page, you tap into new markets with regional keywords, significantly enhancing user engagement and conversion rates. Our solution simplifies this process, demanding minimal effort while delivering transformative results. With our approach, your product doesn't just reach a wider audience — it resonates with them in their language, fundamentally elevating the user experience and perception of your brand.


Open Apployal

Launch the Apployal Localize Workspace and navigate to 'Store Page'. Input the original texts from your store page, choose your desired output languages, and then initiate the localization process



Upon completion of the translation, review the results in all languages through a user-friendly interface, and if you want, make your own corrections.


Update app store page

With just one click, we will compile the results for all selected languages and send them directly to the Google Play or App Store, depending on your platform. Your app page will be localized and ready to attract new users.

Translate Release notes

Have you recently rolled out a major update and wish to ensure your users are fully informed about your app's new features or changes? Apployal is here to assist. We also specialize in localizing your updates, making them accessible and understandable to a global audience. This way, your users can truly appreciate and engage with the enhancements your team has diligently worked on, encouraging timely app updates and sustained user engagement

Privacy & Security

Apployal incorporates the Apployal Client, a crucial auxiliary tool for those planning to integrate with the App Store/Google Play. This tool is designed with your account security as a top priority. It enables direct API interactions from your own computer and IP address, eliminating the need to route through Apployal's servers, thereby enhancing privacy and security. Additionally, Apployal Client is crafted to not retain your credentials, ensuring a highly secure integration with app stores. This methodology underscores our commitment to providing a secure, risk-free environment.

Learn how to use

Explore our series of tutorial videos designed to help you master Apployal's full suite of features. Learn the straightforward and efficient way to localize your applications. Dive into our brief guides and experience the power of Apployal for yourself!

Try Apployal Localize today