AppLoyal Localize

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The Role of Localization in Boosting Mobile App Growth in a Globalized Digital Landscape

Encouraging user reviews is very important for the favorable results of apps, and localization is highly used in ensuring high ratings for apps. In 2023, data records show that the recently posted apps on Google Play that are regionalized have an average rate of 4.3/5, in contrast to the ones that are not regionalized, whose average is 3.8/5. What goes to show is that localization modalities influence app rating and user app perception.

As stated by Statista, the German web-based research source, adding up to 2023, the total number of mobile app downloads had reached 257 billion, which was only 1% more than 2022. America (1.82 billion downloads) and China (1.63 billion downloads) took first and second place in terms of the most popular programs in the USA in the second quarter of this year.

Overall, the downloads that still show a positive tendency have a lower growth rate than in years before. In 2023, games, social networks, and shopping applications were the most downloaded categories. Soon, finance, healthcare, and education apps will likely be more in demand.

What is Mobile Application Localization?

Localization is required for the adaptation of a product or content, taking into consideration the particular geographical location or market. In short, taking something and making it fit perfectly for a specific place. Imagine you have a funny meme, but it has words or pictures that wouldn't make sense to someone in another country. Localization would be like changing the meme to use jokes and references that people in that country would understand. 

Concerning apps, the adaptation technique involves optimizing the smartphone’s language, design, and features so that they may reverberate deeply in different locations. Professional localization includes:

The Main Elements that Localization Affects

The famous Angry Birds game has to rename several of its birds to accommodate different locales. For example, in China, "Mighty Eagle" was renamed "Thunder Eagle" to minimize associations with American strength. This demonstrates how few elements must be considered for a consistent app experience across countries. 

Five key elements significantly impact the user experience and success of a mobile app:

Localization Boosts Audience Reach

When apps are ready in the mother tongue of users, they also become more widely downloaded and installed. The study "SiteLocalization" conducted by App Annie showed that applications are downloaded 26% more often if they are localized in several languages compared to only one. This rise in the number of downloads may even highlight the app as one of the most popular apps worldwide, aimed at international customers.

Through the language that your prospective users prefer, localization allows the app to be available in new markets. It eliminates language obstacles, providing the application with universal value and attractiveness for users around the globe.

Want to stand out in the crowded app market? Grow the accessibility of your apps by incorporating AI-driven translations into more than 80 languages. 

Adaptation Affects User Engagement and Customer Retention Rates

An app that enables users to discover an aspect of their culture increases their chances of being committed to its content. Designing content and functions around the evidenced local taste is a good way to attract users and improve app stability. According to a Common Sense Advisory, a global marketing company survey, consumers would prefer to buy something with product information in their natural language. They harbor 72.4% greater purchase intent for such products.

Raising the Chances of Converting a Free Subscription into a Paid One

Localization has a two-pronged impact: it boosts user engagement and commercial opportunities. As users see themselves in the app through personalized features that can be customized for their locality, they become more interested in paying for enhanced features or upgrades. Research conducted by CSA has demonstrated that software products that are localized as such have a 47% higher percent of revenue yield on average compared to those that are not localized.

A Localized App has a Higher Rating in the App Store and Google Play

Apps available in regional languages tend to receive higher ratings, often surpassing their counterparts by 10-15% on average in the App Store. This phenomenon significantly enhances the visibility and accessibility of these apps, as platforms like Google give precedence to highly-rated applications in their search results and recommendations. Consequently, such apps enjoy better positioning, potentially leading to increased downloads and user engagement.

Elevate Your App's Global Position: Expert Localization Services

Mobile app development becomes a distinctive opportunity for entrance into an area dominated by foreign apps only. The importance of localization is emphasized, as it makes entry into a foreign area possible and greatly increases the number of downloads by increasing engagement and boosting revenues. Ready to make your app a global sensation? Embrace localization services through our company and see the results for yourself.

We specialize in app localizing services applicable to your app. By relying on our expertise and commitment to quality, we practice with you how to access the markets, connect with a variety of the public, and raise the global position of your apps to the sky.

Remember, it's all about making your application feel like a local celebrity, not a confused tourist asking for directions in broken Klingon. (Who wants an app that needs a translator, right?)